Which vocational qualification are you currently studying for? If you are studying for multiple qualifications, choose your primary qualification.
Vocational upper secondary qualification (180 cp); Further vocational qualification (120 or 150 cp); Specialist vocational qualification (180 cp); Preparatory education (such as VALMA or TELMA); Qualification unit or a smaller module; Other vocational education and training (e.g. training to receive a licence etc.)
How do you finance your living costs during studies? You can choose more than one option. Unemployment benefit (labour policy education or self-motivated studying)
Your vocational field? (Field of study 1 based on the field given by respondent, categorised by researcher)
Missing; Education; Arts and humanities; Social sciences, journalism and information; Business, administration and law; Natural sciences, mathematics and statistics; Information and communication technologies (ICT); Engineering, manufacturing and construction; Agriculture, forestry, fisheries and veterinary; Health and welfare; Services
Are you currently studying towards a dual or double degree?
No; Yes, I'm studying for a general upper secondary education alongside a vocational qualification; Yes, I'm studying for two vocational qualifications at the same time; Yes, I'm studying for a triple qualification; Yes, I'm taking additional studies in some other educational institution
Which of the following best describes your studying at the moment?
I primarily study; I primarily work and I study alongside working; I primarily spend my time on something else than studying (e.g. caring for children)
Did you select your current field of education as your first choice in the joint application system? Were you admitted to study the field that you most wanted in the continuous admission system?
Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school)? My parent(s) or my guardian(s) encouraged me to choose vocational education
Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school)? My parent(s) or my guardian(s) recommended my current field of study
Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school)? The study counsellor in secondary school recommended vocational studies to me
Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9 of comprehensive school)? The teachers in secondary school spoke positively about vocational education
Was vocational education discussed in your family and at your school when you were in lower secondary school (grades 7-9)? My friends at school wanted to move on to vocational education after comprehensive school
Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: At least one of my friends currently studies in the same institution/school as I
Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: At least one of my friends currently studies in the same field as I
Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: At least one of my friends studies or has studied in a vocational institution/school different from mine
Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: At least one of my friends studies or has studied in a general upper secondary school
Think about your friends in lower secondary school (grades 7-9) with whom you also spent time outside of school: At least one of my friends did not proceed to studies or work straight after comprehensive school
Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school. Select all the answers that describe at least one of your siblings: Studies or has studied in a vocational institution/school
Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school. Select all the answers that describe at least one of your siblings: Studies or has studied in a general upper secondary school
Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school. Select all the answers that describe at least one of your siblings: Did not continue her/his studies after comprehensive school
Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school. Select all the answers that describe at least one of your siblings: Studies or has studied at the institution/school where I currently study
Think about your siblings who have finished lower secondary (comprehensive) school. Select all the answers that describe at least one of your siblings: Studies or has studied in the same field as I currently study
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice? I already knew before applying that I wanted to study in a vocational school
To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements relating to your educational choice? I also applied or considered applying to some other vocational school or some other unit within my current school