One person household; Single parent family; Living with spouse/partner, no children; Living with spouse/partner and children; Living with parents; Other; Can't say / No response
What is the highest level of education you have attained?
Primary education or none; General upper secondary education (matriculation examination); Vocational upper secondary education (incl. post-secondary vocational college); Bachelor's level degree (university or university of applied sciences); Master's degree or higher; Can't say / No response
Student; Pensioner/retired; Unemployed; In paid work; Entrepreneur, self-employed, own account worker; Farmer, agricultural occupations; Other; Can't say / No response
Both good and bad things happen in life. Thinking about your current life situation in general, how dissatisfied or satisfied overall are you with your life?
0 Dissatisfied; 10 Satisfied; Can't say / No response
What are the total monthly expenses of debts in your household (interest, debt repayments/instalments, other)? If you do not know the exact sum, please give an estimate
How much do you do or experience the following: To what extent are you satisfied with the built environment in your municipality of residence (buildings, streets, parks etc.)?
How much do you do or experience the following: To what extent are you satisfied with distances to / accessibility of everyday services (stores, post office, bank)?