Which of the following best describes your economic activity?
In paid work (or temporarily away from work with an existing contract) or on part-time pension; On family leave (but with an existing contract); Unemployed or laid-off; In labour market training or in subsidised employment; Conscript or in civilian service; Student (move to Tal7); On disability pension or permanently ill; Pensioner/retired on account of age or working years; On unemployment pension (for the elderly long-term unemployed); Homemaker; Other
(IF NOT A STUDENT) What is/was your status in employment?
Employee (move to A7); Farmer, agricultural entrepreneur (including forestry, horticulture, fishing etc.) (move to A6a); Unpaid contributing family worker on a farm (move to A6a); Other entrepreneur or self-employed person (move to A6a); Unpaid contributing family worker in a family business (move to A6a); Own-account worker or freelancer (move to Taus8d); Other (move to A7); Not in employment (move to Tal7)
(IF AN EMPLOYEE) What is your current or most recent occupation? (Statistics Finland: Classification of occupations 2011; occupation codes on the three-digit level)
(IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Risk of termination
(IF CURRENTLY IN PAID WORK) Do you think there will be any of the following uncertainty elements in your job in the next 12 months: Fixed-term contract will not be renewed
(IF UNEMPLOYED) How many months has your current (continuous) period of unemployment or layoff lasted, including participation in government-funded labour market training?
A household may have different sources of income and several of its members may have income. If you think about the total income of your household, is covering expenses with this income:
Very difficult; Difficult; Somewhat difficult; Somewhat easy; Easy; Very easy
How much money do you think a one-person household needs per month in order to survive, after taxes and housing expenses, such as rent, have been paid? (euros per month)
Owner-occupied; Rental apartment owned by a private person or company; Rental apartment owned by a municipality or a not-for-profit organisation; Right-of-occupancy apartment/house; Sheltered home / assisted living residence; Other
Do you participate in the activities of a club, association, organisation, hobby group or spiritual/religious community, such as a sports club, neighbourhood group, political party, choir, congregation?