Employed full-time; Employed part-time; Self-employed; Looking for work; At home, looking after the children; On sick leave/long-term sick; Pensioner/retired; Student; Not working, not looking for work; Other; Can't say; Didn't respond
Who is responsible for managing finances in your household?
The respondent; The respondent and the spouse together; The respondent and some other family member (or multiple family members); The respondent's spouse alone; Some other family member (or multiple family members); Someone else; No one; Don't know; Didn't respond
Do you plan your or your household's income and expenses beforehand by creating a budget for the household or for yourself? Yes, I create a budget for the household on my own or with other household members
Do you plan your or your household's income and expenses beforehand by creating a budget for the household or for yourself? Yes, I create a personal budget for myself
Do you plan your or your household's income and expenses beforehand by creating a budget for the household or for yourself? I create a budget for the biggest expenses
What kinds of means do you use to plan and monitor your personal finances? I use online banking to monitor other personal finances (e.g. loans, investments, insurances)
What kinds of means do you use to plan and monitor your personal finances? I use my own method to keep record of income and expenses (for example, a notebook, Excel worksheet etc.)
Which of the following financial products do you currently have? Which of them have you had before? Savings account that offers higher interest than a current account (fixed-term account etc.)
Have at present; Not at present, but have had in the past; Don't have/haven't had; Don't know/can't say; Didn't respond