Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: A Climate-Neutral and Resource-Scarce Finland, PIHI (2015-2021)
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: EL-TRAN - Transition to a Resource Efficient and Climate Neutral Electrity System
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SmartSea - Gulf of Bothnia as Resource for Sustainable Growth
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: FORBIO - Sustainable, Climate-Neutral and Resource-Efficient Forest-Based Bioeconomy
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ScenoProt - Novel Protein Sources for Food Security and Climate
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CloseLoop - Closing the Loop for High-Added-Value Materials
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Equality in Society, EQUA (2015-2021)
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CHILDCARE - Finnish Childcare Policies: In/Equality in Focus
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: WeAll - Social and Economic Sustainability of Future Worklife: Policies, Equalities and Intersectionalities in Finland
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: TITA - Tackling Inequalities in Time of Austerity
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PSE (Oma linja) - My Path
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: WIP - Work, Inequality and Public Policy
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ARTSEQUAL - Arts as Public Service: Strategic Steps towards Equality
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Disruptive Technologies and Changing Institutions, TECH (2015-2021)
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: COMBAT (PointCloud) - Competence-Based Growth Through Integrated Disruptive Technologies of 3D Digitalization, Robotics, Geospatial Information and Image Processing/Computing - Point Cloud Ecosystem
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: ROSE - Robots and the Future of Welfare Services
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SET (Smart Energy Transition) - Smart Energy Transition - Realizing its Potential for Sustainable Growth for Finland's Second Century
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: DDI (Digital Disruption of Industry)
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PVN - Platform Value Now: Value Capturing in the Fast Emerging Platform Ecosystem
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: BCDC Energia - Cloud Computing as an Enabler of Large Scale Variable Distributed Energy Solutions
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: SRC programme: Changing Society and Active Citizenship, CITIZEN (2017-2021)
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: BIBU - Tackling Biases and Bubbles in Participation
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: CORE - Collaborative Remedies for Fragmented Societies
Select one strategic research programme (and one or more research projects under that programme) with which you have interacted: PALO - Participation in Long-Term Decision-Making
To which of the following does your organisation/stakeholder primarily belong?
Ministries; Government agencies and institutes; Agencies and actors in regional administration; Municipal/City agencies and actors; Universities; Other education institutions; Research institutes; Cultural and arts institutions and organisations; Policymakers; Companies; Trade and industry organisations; NGOs, other civil society actors; International organisations and actors; Media; Other
Which of the following best describes your previous relationship with the researchers with whom you interacted within the programme or project?
I knew the researchers from before.; I did not know the researchers, but my organisation has worked with them before.; I did not know the researchers, and my organisation has not worked with them before (or I am not aware of such collaboration).; Other relationship
Which of the following best describes your previous relationship with the researchers with whom you interacted within the programme or project? (Text answers)
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Participation in research
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Research-related experiments
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Stakeholder events
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Expert consultations, expert work in working groups
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) policy influence
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Training, educational materials
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): (Other) publishing actions
(In what form were you involved in the research programme or project? Also assess the usefulness of the actions in terms of the societal impact of research.): Media visibility, social media influence