What is your present/latest occupation? Please, answer as accurately as possible (e.g. engine driver, primary school teacher, supervisor in a metal factory). (finn. code)
What is your present/latest occupation? Please, answer as accurately as possible (e.g. engine driver, primary school teacher, supervisor in a metal factory). (ISCO-88)
In which branch of economy do you work? Circle the right alternative, please.
Agric/fish/forest/hunt; Mining/other mineral ind.; Industry; Electricity/gas/water serv.; Construction; Trade/restaurant/hotel b.; Transp./stor./commun.; financing, insurance, real estate and other business services; Social/personal services
Which of the following alternatives is your field of activity? Circle the right alternative, please.
Private enterpr/comp; Municipal author./fe; State; a commercial enterprise or company owned by the state (or a municipality); Co-oper. company/org.; Other society/organiz; Something else
If you work in industry, in which branch do you work? Circle the right alternative, please.
Prod. of food/bever.; Prod. of textiles/cl; Production of timber; Manufact. paper prod; manufacture of chemical, petroleum, rubber and plastic products; Pottery/glass/stone; Production of metals; Manufact metal&engin; Other industry
If you are employed by the state, a municipality or a federation of municipalities, which of the following sectors is your field of activity? Circle the right alternative, please.
actual administration, national defence, fire and rescue services; Education & research; Health care; Social service; Culture&recreation ser; Real estate maintenance; Traffic/communications
piecework pay; base hour.wage+piece; hourly wage; monthly salary; month.salary+commiss; contract; sale of goods/serv.pr; entrepreneurial inc.; other basis
At your workplace, how many employees being in the same position as you get a significant promotion after a certain number of years in service? (A promotion = a change in the occupational title, a remarkable rise in salary, a larger sphere of responsibilities.) Circle the right alternative, please.
Is your job one in which are you required to plan important aspects of your work and to implement your own ideas? Circle the right alternative, please.
If your work requires planning and coming up with ideas, to what extent can you plan the following things? Circle the right alternative in both questions, please.
If your work requires planning and coming up with ideas, to what extent can you plan the following things? Circle the right alternative in both questions, please.
Does the official job description of your chief occupation include supervising other employees or assigning tasks to them? Circle the right alternative, please.