10. What kind of movies are good and bad in your opinion? (what is the best film you have seen? / do you watch movies together with your parents? / do you (you and parents) talk about them?)
11. Do you read books? What kind of books do you like? (what is the best book you have red? / does anybody read to you? / do you talk with your parents about the books you have red?)
15. What kind of big changes have you experienced? (going to day care/school / change of day care/school / moving to a new home / change of friends/loss of a friend / birth of siblings / parents' divorce / illness / death)
17. Describe an oridinary day from morning to night, what do you do? (how do days differ from each other? / how do weekdays and weekends differ from each other?)
26. How can you help your parent now and when you have grown up? (cleaning / washing dishes / taking out the garbage / taking care of younger siblings / comforting, etc.)
27. What kind of rules do you have at home? (TV, videos, movies / curview / pocket money, things to have / Do you talk about these rules together, can you influence on them? / Does mother and father have different rules?)
28. What kind of rules do you have elsewhere, outside home? (in school, in hobbies, when visiting / Are the rules different in school and at home? How?)
29. Describe your school work and how is it in school? (do you like school? / what is nice/boring? / how long are your school days? / how much time do you spend on homeworks? / what is your favorite subject? / do you like your class? / what about your teacher/teachers?)
33. What would you like to be when you grow up? Do you have some dream job? (Why are you interested in that job/profession? / Do you know what kind of schools you have to go in order to get that job?)