How many different political parties have you voted for in parliamentary elections so far?
Have always voted for candidates of one party; Have voted for candidates of two or three different parties; Have voted for candidates of four or more parties; Have never voted; Can't say (SPONTANEOUS)
Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Involve myself in the activities of some other voluntary/civic organisation
Have done over the past four years; Have not done but might do; Would not do under any circumstances; Can't say
Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Try to enhance environmental protection through my consumer choices
Have done over the past four years; Have not done but might do; Would not do under any circumstances; Can't say
Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Try to influence political or social issues through my consumer choices
Have done over the past four years; Have not done but might do; Would not do under any circumstances; Can't say
Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Demonstrate civil disobedience by participating in illegal, non-violent activities
Have done over the past four years; Have not done but might do; Would not do under any circumstances; Can't say
Have you done during the past four years or feel you might do any of the following: Participate in the kind of demonstrations that have previously involved violence
Have done over the past four years; Have not done but might do; Would not do under any circumstances; Can't say